We have had this walk planned for months. So come Saturday morning it is windy, rainy, and soooo cold. But we walked! This is my daughter Ansley and then my son's girl friend, Kari.
The news said there were over 700 people signed up to walk, but only about 250 or so showed up. We were not the biggest team or the smallest team, but we were the "orangest"team. The circumstance may have been miserable, but the cause is a great one. Blessings to Kassie and her family. God is an awesome God and he is our healer. Always expect a miracle.
After the MS walk, I had to get back home to help my other daughter. She is the Jr. class sponsor and Saturday night was "Prom" night. I went out to help behind the scenes. It was beautiful and the girls looked amazing. The guys cleaned up well also!!
After the prom, I went by Amy's and picked up the 3 C's to spend the night while their mom and dad finished with the prom. Dada had been keeping the 3 M's for Anz. So all 6 grand-kids spent the night and had breakfast with us on Sunday morning. Needless to say, we missed church. My timing was a little off trying to get everyone around, fix breakfast, and dressed. Maybe God knew I could only handle 3 children and get to where we needed to be! The week-end was fast and furious, but with many blessings. Life is a joy ride, so get on and live each day to the fullest!
Blessings to you all!