It has been several weeks since I have blogged with you. The end of school is always so busy for me. I know it is coming but I never seem to have everything done by the last day of school. Now that I am officially on summer break, I am spending hours and I mean hours in our yard. I love all my flowers, but they sure require some 'babying' to look good. That's alright, I prefer yard work to housework!! There are weeds that need pulling or flowers that need dead-heading everyday. I always seem to get more exercise in the summer and I know it is the gardening that does it.
One of the most "special" things that has happened since my last post is the baptism of four of our grandchildren. C1, C2, M1, and M2 were al baptized on the last Sunday in May. They each wrote their testimony to be read when they were baptized. Praise the Lord for children that love their God. I know God loves the little children, but when you see 10 children baptized in a small rural spirit-filled church, it is the most special occasion you can imagine. You pray for things in life for your kids and your grandkids, but knowing they are saved and have a relationship with their God has to be one of the best "blessings" in life. Thank you Father God!!
I have also decided I need to be more disciplined in taking care of myself. I have tried to eat better since Da-Da's heart problems several years ago. I take my vitamins and drink my water, but exercise has always been another question. I am forcing myself to walk every morning--well I have for 4 out of the last 5 mornings. I must admit that I do have more energy when I walk and seem to rest better at night. I have tried many different things to get rid of the "muffin top" and I have put off exercise until now. So, I will have to challenge myself every morning for the rest of the summer. I know I can do it. Thanks for Beth Moore on my iPod as I walk!!!
I also called last week and signed up for 3 golf lessons. My two daughters and their husbands and my son all play.....but not DaDa and I. I guess I will see next week if golf is for me!!
I have also realized I need to clean out some closets and drawers. I seem to hold on to things! I might need them! This morning I was looking for something and found several magazines from 2004. Now if I haven't read them or used their information by now, I NEED TO THROW THEM OUT!!! I think this may be harder than making myself exercise! The older I get the less important items become. I am tired of dusting and moving things around. We have lived in this house for only 3 years and I have accumulated too much stuff!! It is time to down-size some of that stuff!! As you can tell, this summer needs to be a time for change for me. Please pray for me!!
I am looking forward to the fresh summer fruits and vegetables. If you have any great recipes, send me a link and I will do the same. Have a peaceful week and may you be blest beyond your expectations!!!