Spring Break is over and it is back to work. Nine more weeks of school and then we get the summer break. I started cleaning flowerbeds during the break. It is so good to see little green plants popping up under all the dead remains.
I learned how to make a rain barrel so I can use rain water to water some of my plants. We also went back to the old house and picked up rocks and "treasures" to put round the flowerbeds.
When I look back at the list of things I wanted to accomplish during Spring Break, it looks pretty dismal, but the closets and drawers will have to wait until later. The outdoors was calling my name with the weather being so nice. I am imagining beautiful flowerbeds with colorful blooms, not nice, neat closets and drawers! Jeriann inspired me to create a cross picture, but it didn't get finished; the story of my life. Where does the time go?
I wanted to catch up on some reading, but I didn't get that done either. All in all it was a great Spring Break spent with family and friends. Thank you Lord for beautiful weather and time with those I love. Hope your past week was a blessing to you.
Red Beans and Rice with Sausage
1 day ago