I haven't cooked a lot this summer. Seems like we eat lots of grilled things, vegetables, and fruits. Working in the yard saps my energy and makes me sweat like a ......, however, I have managed to gain 4 lbs. since school was out in May. There just seems to be NO way to win with this weight thing. Could it possibly be the ice cream that calls my name after a 2 hr. weeding session?? Planning on looking back at the menus and posting a new recipe soon.
Please be praying for rain over Texas and Oklahoma and all the states that are suffering drought. Not only crops and vegetation are suffering, but animals as well. Please God send us a blessing of rain!

Maybe it will cool off by Christmas so you can work in your yard!!!
Hi Kathie, You won a magazine. If you could e-mail me your mailing info, I'll get it in the mail this week. Thanks. Nancy
Kathie, I waited a week for your mailing information and didn't receive it. I drew other names to complete my giveaway. I'm sorry! Hope you understand.
Praying for rain with you. Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B. http://www.southernmadeintheshade.blogspot.com New follower
From Austin TX.
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