I purchased a brown notebook, some tabs, some scrapbook paper, and some sheet protectors. This afternoon, I started to work.
The steps I followed:
1. On one side of a scrapbook sheet of paper, I taped a strip on the front and back. These sheets are going to be my dividers for different categories. I taped the edge so they would not pull out easy once the holes are punched.
2. I trimmed the sheets to fit in the notebook.
3. I placed the tabs on these scrapbook sheets and inserted the desired categories....salads,
beef, poultry, etc.
4. Once the divider pages were in the notebook, I started going through the piles of recipes
placing them in the protective sheets and in the correct categories.
I think this is really going to work. I was so surprised by some of the recipes I found. Some were when we first got married and that was nearly 40 years ago. Maybe there is something to this organization stuff!!
Wouldn't you know I would start my recipe organization project the day "BEFORE" I start my diet and exercise challenge. What if I find a wonderful recipe I have been dieing to try? Why do I do these things to myself? I think I must subconsciously sabatoge myself. I promise myself I will be strong this time, it is only for 6 weeks, I can do it!! Please pray for me, I will need it!!! Have a great evening and be strong for yourself in any decisions you need to make.